Craig’s Transformation: 11 lbs lost and a new lease of life gained

It’s always a bonus when someone like Craig joins a Transformation group. He instantly puts everyone at their ease, chatting away to anyone about anything, and just generally filling the room with laughs and banter. But beneath Craig’s light-hearted exterior was a steely determined that this programme was going to change him once and for all.

After breaking his leg and using it as an excuse to stop exercising or going out, Craig got himself into a miserable rut of just coming home from work and sitting in front of the TV with a beer. Every night. He knew it couldn’t go on any longer so when one of our members suggested he join the course, he saw a glimmer of hope that something could finally work to dig him out of his old routine.

But who better to tell his story than Craig himself?!

“Where do I start? I could write a book on how the Transformation Course has changed my life.

Most important – it has given me my life back!

I used breaking my leg as an excuse to drink, not wanting to go out with the wife, just coming home from work and sitting in front of the TV with a beer or cider every night.

When Paul suggested doing the course (and told me how much it was!) I was a bit like ‘yeah yeah I’ll do it’, but deep down I was thinking ‘piss off, are you mad?’! But Paul is very persuasive, and once I’d handed over the money I was determined to get the most out of it and give it 100% effort.

6 weeks later and the course has changed me so much that I miss it when I’m not training! I’ve gone from a couch potato to a fitness fanatic in less than two months!

I’ve got my life back, me and the wife are out as much as we can and I actually enjoy it, and I’ve cut out a lot of my drinking. This is a big part of it for me, not only have I lost weight but my blood pressure is now normal, which is a massive relief.

Being part of the Southern Legion is like family to me, and I love all of my team and the other members I’ve met. I also want to say thanks to Ray, honestly that man is a legend. He is an inspiration to me and I’ve got massive respect for him and his dedication to us all”.


Craig is just about to embark on Part 2 of his transformation when he starts the Transition course tonight. Watch this space to see how Craig gets on learning the lifts and gymnastics skills over the next 6 weeks!

So… have our second Transformation Group lived up to expectations??

Group 1 set the bar extremely high (pun intended!)

There’s no getting around it, our first Transformation Group was an unexpectedly  phenomenal success. From a standing start (some of them had NEVER been to a gym before), Group 1 smashed all their weight, strength and fitness targets, transformed from nervous beginners to confident Legionaries and formed an unbelievably strong bond. So it was with a tiny bit of trepidation that we embarked on the second round. Could the buzz and success of Group 1 possibly be replicated??

Well the answer is a resounding, unflinching and unquestionable YES! We’re now 3 weeks into Transformation 2 and this group have not only met, but totally exceeded our expectations. Their dedication and effort level has been second-to-none and the group bond is already solid (with a Messenger group pinging day and night to prove it!).

Smashing out 100kg back squats in week 3!

On Monday this week I gave them their first technical challenge – the back squat. They listened to my coaching and we drilled the movement, and at the end the group produced some of the best back squats I’ve ever seen from beginners. Most of them squatted 80kg which is amazing in itself, but some even pushed through to 90kg and 100kg. In week 3! I can’t tell you how excited this makes me for the next few weeks and into the next phase…. We’ve got some great athletes in this group who will fit into the classes in no time.

Next week we’ll be building on the their strength, adding to their squat, and ramping up the conditioning element. Sorry guys, but there will be more of the assault bike that you had the dubious pleasure of meeting last night!

Group 2 has had an incredible start and things are only going to get better from here. Well done guys – keep up the good work!

It’s only week 2 but love is already in the air….

It’s been a whirlwind romance…. none of them expected it…. but in just two short weeks they have fallen in love!

endorphins are flowing

Yes that’s right, our 10 transformation trainees have got the bug and cannot get enough of training! Like any new relationship there’s been ups and downs: Tabata night was make-or-break, with all of them being pushed to the limit; and none of them have been able to lift a cup of tea to their lips since Wednesday Wall Balls. But the unbeatable buzz and rush of endorphins they get at the end of each session has got them hooked and our trainees are already thinking about what to do once this 6 weeks is over – they don’t want it to end!

coaching + community = success

One of the main reasons why people stick to their training and get results at Southern Legion is because of our community: It’s not an exaggeration to say we’re a family. Our chosen 10 have had an intensive version of this, training together 3 times a week for the past two weeks, and it’s pushed them and motivated them to keep going and keep doing their best. Despite everything you hear in the news, humans are nice and people love being around other people who like the same things they do and share their goals. The way our 10 trainees have bonded through being part of this shared experience is amazing to see, and is what will make them succeed over the next 4 weeks, especially as the training gets harder and more intense..

Deciding to Change is the Most Important Step

With coach Ray introducing Burpees into the first week of training for the transformation group, it got me thinking….. the physical demands of adherence to exercise are experienced by all, beginner or elite athlete alike, and it reminded me of a time when I just couldn’t make myself exercise! (more about that later)

So how much notice do we pay to the psychological demands of beginning and sticking to an exercise programme?

Developing Psychological RESILIENCE

The decision to change our behaviour is easy to make, however, the psychological resilience to make these changes stick is another matter. We all consciously or subconsciously re-evaluate our behaviours to meet with social norms and follow ‘fad’ diets or magic exercise programmes.

The transtheoretical model (Prochaska & DiClemente, 1983) has been used to study the psychological processes for any changes we make to our normal behaviour. It has been successfully used to support smoking cessation, healthy eating and exercise adherence. Every time we make the decision to exercise, make the healthy choice at dinner or not have that first cigarette of the day, we are utilising our psychological resilience and ability to make informed decisions.
The model shows that we move through several stages. Pre-comtemplaters are those who are not ready to make the decision to change within the next six months, even though the pros and cons of the change in behaviour have been presented to them. Contemplators can be defined as those who know that the pros far outweigh any cons to a change in behaviour and will usually plan to make these changes within the next 6 months. Those in the preparation phase are considering taking immediate action and changing their behaviours with immediate effect.

entering the ‘action’ stage

Potentially the hardest step is to make the change. Given all the evidence for and against, following through with this decision can become the most psychologically challenging step. For the ten who have completed their first week at Southern Legion I’m glad to say that they have entered the action stage. The decision has been made and the action of following through with this change in behaviour has begun. Maintenance can only be achieved once the desired behaviours have been sustained beyond a 6-month period.

However, it doesn’t end there. Re-evaluation is required constantly: when injury occurs, work demands or stress in other areas of our lives strike, we need to build our psychological resilience to ensure our planned changes in behaviour are maintained. Sometimes we may find ourselves transferring from ‘Action’ to ‘Maintenance’ almost interchangeably, it’s important to understand that this is a natural process.

For anyone that knows me, I’m currently in a maintenance phase but this has not always been the case. In the past, work stresses have caused me to fluctuate between preparation, action and maintenance. For a significant period of time making the decision seemed second nature, I’d make the decision nearly every week. ‘I’ll start tomorrow’, ‘I’ll start Monday’. However the physical act seemed so much harder.

Set small, achievable goals

It wasn’t until I physically wrote down (or was made to by an exasperated fiancée) the pros and cons of a change in behaviour that I fully committed. I set myself some achievable goals and made the psychological effort to start small. I started with 3 gym visits per week. I didn’t measure what I did; it was the act of making myself go that mattered initially. I didn’t measure how far or fast I ran or how much weight I lifted, the goal was to attend and be active 3 times per week. Once I knew I could sustain this, I begun to measure what I was doing in each session, again setting some realistic targets.

The hardest part of all though, was that I’m a qualified fitness professional: I’ve got a degree in Sport Science and I was teaching young fitness trainees how to help someone change their behaviour. But I  couldn’t seem to do it myself! This conflict made the psychological challenge even harder for me, but ultimately made it all the more important for me to follow through and make the change. I knew the benefits, I’d evaluated the benefits, I’d analysed the benefits, and now I needed to do it.

For those who are thinking about or have recently made the decision to become more active, challenges will arise, but remember the pros will continue to reveal themselves and the cons will continue to diminish in value.

Good luck to all those in the transformation group and to all fellow Legionaries.

Paul Stannard – Programme Manager: Sport, Public Services, Science and Maths at Fareham College
AKA Bridges
AKA Southern Legion Member, general annoyance, chief ‘overtrainer’ and now husband to formerly exasperated fiancée